Anne Kane McGuire ’52 Award for 杰出的服务

Honoring those who demonstrate the highest standards of dedication, 完整性, 并为学校服务



The Anne Kane McGuire奖 for 杰出的服务 was established by Foxcroft’s Board of Trustees in 1984 to honor a member of the Class of 1952 who had led the Board, 与学校, through some particularly difficult times in the previous decade. The award is the highest honor given by the 受托人s and is reserved for those who demonstrate the highest standards of dedication, 完整性, 并为学校服务.




  • 2022年:Ellen MacNeille Charles ' 55


    感谢她稳定的领导, 经久不衰的奉献, 异常管理, and dedicated service to 特学校, the Board of Trustees and Head of School Cathy McGehee honored 艾伦·麦克尼尔,查尔斯,55岁 by presenting her with Foxcroft’s highest award, the Anne Kane McGuire ’52 杰出的服务 Award, at a special luncheon on April 22 during 团聚 Weekend.
  • 2021年:Regina“Reggie”林 ' 76

    Talented, insightful, competitive, driven, Regina E. 林, 或者我们认识的雷吉, arrived for her junior year at Foxcroft in 1974 from Miami, 佛罗里达. 曲棍球和篮球运动员, 一顶帽子, a member of the 骑 Officers Club and the Cum Laude Society, a winner of the Math award and the Haythe Science Award and a Soggie Cheerio, this determined Fox took full advantage of every opportunity as a student. Her two years at Foxcroft should have been an indicator to all who knew her, 她一生的影响. 
  • 2019年:威廉·“比尔”·H. 周

    What do real estate, horses, insurance, cranberries, and Foxcroft have in common? William Howard 周, or Bill, as he is known to all of us. For the past 18 years, Foxcroft has been blessed to have Bill on its team. From that fortuitous day when his daughter Alexa came to visit the School — and Bill, rightly thinking the focus would be on her, yet came away feeling that he was actually the one being interviewed — to the successful completion of Foxcroft’s Centennial Campaign, 比尔的工作, 智慧, and leadership have had a powerful impact on this School and its future.
  • 2018年:弗吉尼亚·克雷特拉·马尔斯

    整整九年, 弗吉尼亚·克雷特拉·马尔斯 sat in Foxcroft Board meetings, quietly doing her needlepoint with her dog, 温柔的, 躺在她的膝盖上,从不失手. 一个母亲, 祖母, 受托人, 慈善家, 忠诚的狐狸, she and Foxcroft met in the spring of 1970 as her family was preparing to move back to the United States from France, 和吉利, 大家都知道她, was looking for schools for her daughters. Having only attended Dutch and French schools, 金妮的大女儿, 维多利亚, spoke limited English—something not all Washington-area schools were prepared to support. 进入特. Now our relationship with Ginnie and her family has spanned more than 45 years, through the graduation of daughters 维多利亚, in 1974, 和帕梅拉, in 1978; niece Christa, in 1992; and granddaughters Bernadette and Charlotte, 2003年和2012年, 分别.
  • 2017年:马可·米克·W. 赫尔曼

    马可·W. 赫尔曼, 或米克, 正如我们所知, began his Foxcroft journey nervously waiting in the Head of School's office. As we say in Morning Meeting, "No, he was not in trouble!"; he was there for his parent interview for his daughter Olivia's potential admission to Foxcroft as a member of the Class of 2005.
  • 2015年:露丝Thomas Bedford '32

    By chance, 露丝Thomas Bedford was born the year that 特学校 was founded. 通过设计, she embraced and reflected the characteristics and values of the School from which she graduated in 1932. 通过选择, she forever changed her alma mater with an act of love and generosity unmatched in the history of girls’ schools.
  • 2012年:皮克特戴维斯伦道夫'56

    Coming from Baltimore with her legendary wide smile and her embracing manner, 皮克特和福克斯克罗夫特开口了, in 1953, a lifetime relationship of shared values, 努力工作, 快乐的幽默, 相互尊重.
  • 2011年:艾伦·希恩

    没有自我的服务, 没有目的的关心, 团队合作要有热情, 用“我会回来的。,” heart with an even playing field as its guide — all are retrospective images of a long and honorable tenure.
  • 2011:丽贝卡·B. 吉尔摩

    一个土生土长的北卡罗来纳女孩, a daughter whose parents embraced service professions — teaching and nursing — a scholar worthy of both Duke University and of the University of Virginia, a wife who met her partner through crew and is still “rowing in tandem” more than a quarter of a century later, a mother with unconditional love and clear expectations, an educator with renaissance qualities, 一个有经验的调解人, 开放的头脑, 杰出的大使, 一个同事, and a friend to so many — all characterize Becky 吉尔摩. Yet her essence, her core, is, indeed, greater than the sum of her parts.
  • 2010:托马斯·D. 车道

    A Foxcroft Board Member for the past twelve years, 爱你的丈夫, 父亲, 祖父, 荣誉“狐狸”,——托马斯·D. 莱恩在圣. 詹姆斯学校和罗阿诺克学院. He married Susan Mastin, a Foxcroft graduate (Class of 1973), in 1978. 他们在伊斯顿定居下来, 马里兰, to raise their daughters Ali (Class of 1997) and Elizabeth (Class of 2000).
  • 2010年:比蒂·佩奇·克莱默66年

    A Foxcroft Board member for the past eleven years, 一个老师, 一个中介, 一个律师, 一个问题解决者, 一个志愿者, this New York girl came to Foxcroft in 1962, 快乐的, 即将离任的, 充满活力, 渴望行动. During the ensuing four decades of shared history, Beatty Page Cramer’s lifetime commitment, 责任心, and leadership skills have combined to create an amazing force on behalf of this school.
  • 2009年:阿里克斯·克拉克·戴安娜,60岁

    经验丰富的学校专业人士, 护理人员的, 优秀的志愿者, 领袖中的领袖, 一个家庭主妇, our New York-born “Clark” attended Chapin School. As a freshman, she matriculated at Foxcroft.
  • 2008年:玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默

    Teaching is the highest form of understanding. ——亚里士多德

    In 1967, a country girl from Western Pennsylvania arrived at 特学校 to teach English. 玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默 was new to girls’ schools and to boarding schools — and not sure about either. 预计待两年, 她给了福克斯克罗夫特, 而不是, 服务超过35年, (到目前为止)担任校长20年. 
  • 2007年:Paul K. 与

    In May 1953, two men became the first in history to climb to the top of Mt. 珠穆朗玛峰:埃德蒙·希拉里, a New Zealand beekeeper and explorer, 和他来自尼泊尔的夏尔巴人向导, 丹增·诺尔盖成功. They reached the summit together and attained instant international fame.
  • 2007: Celeste P. 与

    好老师, really good teachers are rare; master teachers are few at best, 一位杰出的老师是一份礼物. 塞莱斯特·伯根是个宝贝!
  • 2006: Gary R. 维尔克

  • 2006年:Stacey Morse Ahner '73

    Because of her passion for the school, 她的职业道德, 她的组织意识, 她的团队建设, 她的团队精神, 她对制度和文化的理解, 她对细节的关注, 她的第六感, she has not only raised Foxcroft's fundraising bar but also challenged the "conventional 智慧" of the development world at large.
  • 2004年:Keith Malcolm McBride

  • 2003年:78岁的莎莉·巴塞洛梅·唐尼

  • 2003: Dorothy "Dotty" Reynolds Brotherton '70

  • 2001年:Jean Ellen duPont Shehan

  • 2000: Ann P. Leibrick

  • 1999年:Suzanne "Sukie" Kuser '49

  • 1998年:Mae Cadwalader Hollenback '41

  • 1996年:南希·雷德蒙·马尼维尔41岁

  • 1995年:伊丽莎白·K. Lamond

  • 1994年:卡尔·L. Yeckel

  • 1993:托马斯·J. 卡罗尔

  • 1992: Elizabeth "Kiku" Millard Hanes '46

  • 1991年:亨利·格里

  • 1989年:邓肯·里德

  • 1988年:玛丽·查尔默斯·海明威

  • 1987年:埃莉诺·施莱·托德29岁

  • 1986年:玛丽·卡斯蒂斯·李首次亮相

  • 1985年:Barbara Childs Lawrence 30岁

  • 1984年:安妮·凯恩·麦奎尔1952年

    Whereas: Anne McGuire has served 特学校 with loyalty and distinction for seven years as a Trustee and for six years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and, 而:

    Her term as Chairman spanned a period of extraordinary difficulties for the school, 它的教师和学生, including the resignation of two headmasters, the tenure of one interim headmaster, the creation and inspiration of two search committees and the successful selection of the present headmaster; and, 而:

    This period of grave disruption of the normal leadership of the school could well have resulted in an irreparable erosion of the morale with a resultant loss of the reputation of the school, loss of the faculty and loss of the high quality of the student body, but did not do so largely because of her tireless leadership and dedication; and, 而:

    在此期间, she brought an unusual curiosity and imagination to every task however large, however tedious and showed herself to be an available and responsive listener, and a superb spokeswoman; and, 而:

    Her approach to issues was always sensitive to and understanding of the delicate web of human interrelationships in the fragile environment as a girls boarding school; and, 而:

    Anne McGuire has demonstrated to her colleagues, to the students and to the external world of Foxcroft the finest qualities of what her school stands for; Now, 就这样吧

    解决了, the Trustees of 特学校 hereby express to Anne McGuire the respect, the gratitude and the high commendation of her Alma Mater for a job well and faithfully done; 再进一步

    决定, 这是, created the Anne Kane McGuire 杰出的服务 Award to be granted only to those persons who, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, have shown equal dedication and brought the same high standards of service and 完整性, to the task of furthering the ideas and ideals of Foxcroft as has Anne McGuire; and, 再进一步

    解决了,, in order to assure the objective maintenance of the highest standards for the award, no person shall be eligible to be nominated to receive it until the passage of three years following the end of that person’s service to the school; and, 进一步决定, 安妮·麦奎尔应该是, 她现在是, 指定的

    Exemplar of the Anne Kane McGuire 杰出的服务 Award

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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.