
Goodyear Fellowship program examines roles of women in tech world with She Started It 纪录片,促进学生与电影中的一位年轻女性的互动

三名太阳城电子app的学生做了他们的第一次“电梯演讲”,其余的学生使恩格尔哈德体育馆充满了活力, enthusiasm, 周二晚上,科技企业家、2017年固特异研究员希娜·艾伦分享了她的故事, insights, and advice about being young, black, southern, and female in the world of technology startups.
The Q & A session followed the screening of She Started It, a documentary film that profiles several female tech entrepreneurs, including Allen, 并探讨了导致女性在该行业代表性不足的障碍. The evening and Allen’s visit, 其中包括当天早些时候与学生进行的几次小组课堂研讨会, were part of the Goodyear Fellowship program.
Allen, 谁在22岁有了一个应用程序的想法后就沉浸在科技中, 与电影中所说的一样,这段旅程可能是一场艰苦的战斗. “I had a really big challenge,” she said. “First, I was female. Second, I was black, and third, I was from Mississippi. 人们认为我们都是乡巴佬,什么都不知道. 我用自己的钱创办了我的第一家公司,我的应用程序在两个月内获得了200万次下载量——但我见到的每个投资者仍然有借口不给我写支票.”
Allen persevered. With no technical background and limited funds, 她的第一个移动应用程序——她在南密西西比大学大四时构想出来的理财软件——成功地建立了一家名为Sheena Allen Apps的公司, which she is in the process of selling. Last year, 她又创办了一家名为CapWay的金融科技公司,专注于无银行账户和银行账户不足的个人.
我们的学生渴望得到建议,有很多问题要问艾伦. She talked about learning along the way, the mentors who helped her, 她利用社交媒体等免费工具,创造性地推广她的应用程序, and the challenge of converting a great idea to reality.
“Being a woman, 你要比你的男同事多走10步才能到达那里,” said Allen. “你能否成功取决于你是怎样的一个人. You have to be passionate about what you do. Starting a company is hard, so you had better love it. 你必须奉献,你必须愿意做出牺牲. . . 但如果你把目标牢记在心,并始终专注于证明自己是对的, rather that proving others wrong, you can do it.
“And talk to everybody at every opportunity you have,” she continued, sharing an anecdote from her own experience. “You never know who they are or who they know.”
Which brings us to those elevator speeches. Allen指出,有时候你与之交谈的人会同意听取你的想法,你必须做好准备. “他们不想听你讲10分钟,”艾伦说. “你必须在30秒内推销它,而且你必须非常有说服力. . . 我第一次练习投球的时候,我的导师在我练习了10秒的时候就打断了我. ‘You sound like you need my money. Don’t do that. 听起来你的主意太棒了,这是一个很好的机会,如果我错过了,那我就是个傻瓜.’ That kind of confidence is sometimes hard for women.”
然后艾伦从观众中找了三个“有想法”的志愿者.” Seniors Alex A. and Olivia R. and freshman Kenzie G. 挺身而出,勇敢地就涉及国际室内设计的想法给出30秒的演讲, solving garbage challenges in the developing world, and a medical mobile app.
The Goodyear Fellowship program, 由艾莉森·哈里森·古德伊尔29岁的家人和朋友慷慨提供, 将杰出的演讲者和挑衅性的表演者带到福克斯克罗夫特发表主题演讲,并与学生进行小组研讨会. 固特异奖学金项目为福克斯克罗夫特带来了玛雅·安杰洛这样杰出的声音, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Sally Ride, and former White House Chief of Staff James A. Baker III.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的STEM项目. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观福克斯克罗夫特.